Reliv Independent Distributor

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Reliv found us in November of 2002. I was entering my 50's, raising 2 girls on my own, as a widow for the second time around. My health started to decline, I was finally bedridden and filled with horrific discomfort from my neck down to my feet. I was sleeping from 18-20 hours a day. I could do nothing for myself, I was a mess. I couldn't stand for more than 10 seconds and unable to walk even 4 feet.  I couldn't hold, hug, or play with my grandchildren. I had many trips to the doctors, and with every visit came a new pill. I lay in bed on pillows and heating pads for over 9 months, I cried and prayed out to God to deliver me or take me home. I tried it all, and nothing was working. My health continued to decline. After seeking many doctors, I saw a Rheumatologist who almost immediately diagnosed me with an auto-immune disease. I was sick of being sick. I recieved an email from a total stranger who shared Reliv with me. It's changed my life, and the dynamics of my entire family. I'm grateful for the team of support that helped me get back on the road to recovery. In a few weeks I'll be turning 73; it's amazing how my life has transformed; I'm beyond grateful, as I found Hope.

My husband
has also had great results with Reliv. He's had improved knee and back discomfort. As an avid golfer that was important to him. He is 76 years young. He's able to golf 5 and 6 days a week. Life is good in our golden years, and we know that it's just going to get better.

This Business Opportunity has been an added bonus. We have been able to pay it forward and Make a Difference in many lives. We've earned income which has given us the opportunity to do more in life. Our passion has been to travel and see our large extended family across the many states, our 14 grandchildren are growing rapidly. There's just not enough time, as everyday is a gift. We love having that flexibility to do what we want when we want. We also love having the ablility to just pickup and go. We get to wake up every day, asking "Who can we bless today". We give God all the glory for this gift that came from a total stranger. We'll be sharing Reliv for the rest of our lives. "We are the Home of Healthy Aging."

We've added a bonus to our healthy aging and are now able to share with others!

  I have been Certified as a Wellness & Weight Loss Coach. In August of 2023, my husband and I were invited to be a part of a Pilot Program for a Weight Loss Plan, using Reliv's superior nutrition to optimize and gain improved health and optimal results in Healthy Aging. We've not only lost  
weight, but we've been able to keep it off. The Weight Loss Program will bring the Structure, and Customers are to provide the Discipline.
This has been a game changer to our business, to watch others receive the life changing difference!

“The weight loss program is not sponsored by or affiliated with Reliv International, Inc. but is supported with use of the products”



Reliv sells its products (through Independent Distributors)
Reliv is not meant to prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure any disease!
I am a Reliv Authorized Independent Distributor.

READ ---- BEFORE ordering Reliv Products:
Know WHO shared this with YOU... is it Judy Mallard?... if not,
exit out of the website and call your Distributor.
If you do not know who your distributor is, Call me 916-606-5262 CST - I'll help you get to the right place.

Call or Message, or Text me with ordering questions or comments :)

    Judy & Ron Mallard - RCN# 770 383 5801
             916-606-5262 - TEXAS  CST
  - Reliv Authorized Independent Distributor since 2002
  - Certified Wellness & Weight Loss Coach
